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“He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new”
– Rev 21:5 – The Global Shift- Political, Social, Demographic and Pandemic effects on Christianity and the church – things you need to know.
"Therefore, let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity.”
– Heb 6:1 – Finishing strong! Spiritual development through the stages of life from young to old
"... be Transformed by the renewing of your mind”
– Rom 12:2 – Spiritual Formation as a Way through the landmines of our times
A Christian Meditation
"…This is the way; walk in it”
– Isa 30:21 – The future of healthy Church building and Kingdom growth
speakers bio
Robert & Michele Carrillo

Robert & Michele grew up in California. Robert was educated at the University of San Diego and San Diego State University, receiving a bachelor’s degree in History and Social Work. Later, Robert studied at Pepperdine University, where he received a Masters in Divinity. Robert and Michele have been married for 34 years and have three adult children, Elena, Alexis, and Andrew. Robert and Michele were baptized in the Poway Church of Christ in 1981 and 1983. They entered the ministry as missionaries, planting churches in Mexico City and Miami. He and Michele also led churches and ministries in Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and New York. After returning to San Diego, they led the San Diego church of Christ for 10 yrs. Robert Carrillo then served as CEO of HOPE worldwide for four years and is now finishing a Doctorate in Spirituality at Fuller Seminary while they serve the Metro region of Los Angeles. He is an Evangelist and Teacher with the Los Angeles church and serves on the ICOC Global Teachers and Minister Wellness committees. In addition to serving as a womens ministry leader, Michele has been studying Spiritual Formation and training in Spiritual Direction for the past four years. Working closely with her husband Robert, They have launched an International online ministry training leaders in Spiritual Formation. Their website,, is helping leaders all around the globe. He and Michele remain deeply in Love, enjoying their children, grandchildren, two dogs, and a parrot. According to Robert and Michele, the study and practice of Spiritual Formation has been a life-changing experience. They feels a special calling from God to help leaders and mature Christians to mature and experience a transformative walk with God.
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