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Bible Studies: Coming to ChristThe following Bible Studies are provided to aid in helping people come to know God. Seeking God God’s Love for Us The Word of God Discipleship Sin Salvation The Cross Repentance The Church Lordship
Bible Studies: Follow-up for Young ChristiansThe following Follow-up Bible Studies are provided to aid young Christians to mature in faith. Bible Study - Listening to God Prayer - Talking to God One Another Relationships The Disciplined Life Effective Evangelism The Heart Heart of a Servant Faith, Works, and Grace The Kingdom of God Three Practices of the New Testament Church Academics Christian Marriage Christian Family
Benevolence RequestThe Greater Houston Church provides financial assistance to church members who have a financial need. Those needing assistance should speak to the region's benevolence representative for direction concerning completing a benevolence request. Your region leader can identify your benevolence representative. Requests will be evaluated based on need. To request assistance, complete the Benevolence Request.
Cash Receipts SubmissionVolunteers responsible for counting church collections can use PushPay to submit count information.
Cash Receipts TrainingIf you are a member of the Greater Houston Church and 18 years of age or older, please volunteer to serve on a church count team. The count teams responsibly care for in-person cash or checks received at church worship or events. Watch the Cash Receipts Training video and complete the accompanying form to begin serving on a church count team.
Facility RequestTo request the church office set up a facility for a church meeting, please complete the Facility Request Form. Please request a facility four weeks in advance to allow time for the church office to make arrangements.
Giving StatementThank you so much for your generosity to the Greater Houston Church. To download your Giving Statement for the prior year, log in at and click on Giving Statement. Giving statements for the prior year are available by January 31 each year. If you have questions, need a correction, or if you are having trouble retrieving your statement, email or call 713-487-7020 ext 3.
HOPE Youth Corp ScholarshipThe Greater Houston Church supports high school and college students to attend the HOPE Youth Corp by paying half the registration fee per participant. Payments once approved are paid directly to HOPE Worldwide. Complete a HOPE Youth Corp Scholarship Application. Please pay your portion of the registration fee before requesting a scholarship from The Greater Houston Church.
Payment RequestTo submit a request for payment to a vendor or to request a reimbursement for church business expenses, click Payment Request.
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